Praziquantel for Cats: the Dosage Information for Tablets and Side Effects

Praziquantel for Cats

Praziquantel for cats is generally a drug used for the treatment of tapeworms in cats and any animals, even including humans. Those who have cats at home may already be familiar with tapeworms, as it is a common problem. Usually, this parasite can be founded in the cat after they chased an infected rat. It is essential to know the symptoms that the cat has tapeworms.

In the past, people could only get praziquantel through a vet prescription. Now, the US Food and Agriculture Department has approved a number of drugs in treating these tapeworms, including praziquantel. The dosage is, of course, depend on the formulation of the praziquantel for cats you buy.


Dosage for Praziquantel Tablets

Tradewinds and Droncit are two of the most common praziquantel tablets that can be used to cure tapeworms in the cat. While these tablets can be administered to the feline, it can be really taxing. To help your cat take this drug, you can crumble the drugs and serve it with wet cat food.

For cats weighing around 4 pounds, it’s highly advised to give 11 mg or approximately half a tablet. Cats weighing between 5 and 11 pounds should receive a whole pill, and cats with weighing over 11 pounds should get one and a half praziquantel tablets. It is important to note that these drugs are not recommended in kittens under the age of 6 weeks. Before administering these praziquantel tablets, it’s essential to consult it with a vet to know the right praziquantel dosage for cats.


The Common and Uncommon Side Effects

Excessive salivation as well as diarrhea is not uncommon side effects when praziquantel is used in felines with tapeworms. The only side effect of broad-spectrum praziquantel is just temporary ataxia. As with other types of drugs, more severe adverse effects may often occur. If your cat shows severe symptoms, get them to a vet immediately to have a consultation. Any of the uncommon side effects of using praziquantel for felines may include lethargy, pain, vomiting, and appetite loss.

It is highly advised to visit a professional vet if the symptoms of tapeworms’ infection still persist even if you already give your feline a treatment. The vet will determine whether the praziquantel for cats is proven to be infective due to some underlying problems and may recommend you to give your cat an injection of liquid praziquantel.

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