Treat Symptoms of FIV in Cats

Treat Symptoms of FIV in Cats

Since FIV is a disease that affects the immune system, the symptom of FIV in cats will appear only when the cat has contracted with secondary infection. FIV or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a condition where a virus is found in the domestic cat. This virus attacks the cat’s immune system and leads to other infections and diseases. The signs of FIV include:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Inflammation on the eye or Conjunctivitis
  • Inflammation of mouth
  • Inflammation of gums
  • Weight loss
  • Seizures
  • Abscesses
  • Salivation
  • Lymph node enlargement
  • Lethargy
  • Skin redness and hair loss
  • Frequent urination
  • Appetite loss
  • Behavior changes
  • In pregnant car, abortions, and stillbirths

How FIV infects cats?

The common ways FIV spreads are through biting. Saliva from an infected FIV cat contains the virus and it can spread to another cat from a bite wound. Mostly,

The FIV Stages in Cats

  1. Acute phase. It is the phase that occurs after the initial infection. In this phase, some cats will show signs of fever, lethargy, and lymph node enlargement. The stage can last for one to three months before going to the next.
  2. Latent infection. In this stage, no symptoms appear and can last from months to years.
  3. Feline AIDS (Feline Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). When an infected cat obtains this infection phase, they are susceptible to the secondary disease and become immune-compromised. This phase usually occurs in years after the initial infection. The emersion of symptom Feline AIDS is related to secondary infections.
  4. Terminal phase. As the infected cats obtain a terminal phase, the prognosis at three months. During this staging period, severe infections, neurologic disease, cancer, immune disease, etc are common to see.

Treating cats with FIV 

Cats with FIV should be placed separately from other cats or together with cat’s infected FIV. Generally, FIv spreads from biting. The saliva from the FIV cat contains a virus hence infecting another cat from the bite wound. There is no treatment of antiviral available to cure FIV cats.

The treatment of cats infected with FIV includes treatment and prevention of secondary disease or infections. As mentioned previously that sometimes cats do not show any symptoms from this virus infection. Pet owner can help FIV cat with several treatments:

  • Routinely use parasite control
  • Balance and complete feeding
  • Routine exams and blood check every six months.
  • Avoid raw diets

Cats infected with symptoms of FIV in cats can have a normal lifespan with quality life although they become more susceptible to disease and illness that can lead to a worse prognosis.

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