Dog Vomiting and Bloody Stool Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

dog vomiting and bloody stool

In fact, spotting dog vomiting and bloody stool can be scary for the dog’s owners. Whenever you see that your dog is vomiting and/or having bloody diarrhea, you should see a veterinarian immediately. In some cases, this condition is treatable, but in other cases, it might be life-threatening that leads to death.

The causes

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For your information, several causes of dog vomiting and bloody stool are parasites, parvovirus, the intestinal obstruction, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, or even your dog’s diet. However, parasites are the most common causes of vomiting and bloody stool in dogs. Furthermore, parvovirus usually affects young dogs which do not have their immunizations yet. Diarrhea and vomiting caused by parvovirus usually begin within 48 hours after they get infected. Your dogs may show other symptoms, such as lethargy, fever, as well as refusing to eat and drink.

Unlike the parvovirus, diarrhea and vomiting caused by intestinal obstruction require the emergency surgery. For the hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, these are similar to the parvovirus cases. The symptoms are similar and usually affect young dogs. The other cause is the change in your dog’s diet, for example indiscriminate eating, overeating, or food allergies.

The treatment

Well, whatever the cause is, if you see your dogs is vomiting or even pooping blood, go to see a vet immediately as they may be dehydrated quickly. If the cause is hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, your vet will prescribe the right medication. It would be a great help for the vet if you can identify and describe the type of symptoms and blood in your dog’s vomit or stool. This condition can be categorized as melena or not actually blood (maybe red foods), or hematochezia. If the problem is caused by parvovirus, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, or parasites, the blood comes in bright red colored (hematochezia). If the color is darker and sticky, then it may be melena.


The best and easiest dog bloody diarrhea treatment and prevention is vaccination. Therefore, make sure to get a vaccination routine for your dogs as it will keep them away from any virus (like parvovirus). If they do not have the immunizations yet, you should not take them into the high-traffic areas because parvovirus can live up to a year on the ground. Moreover, stress level is also known as one of the factors, so you need you minimalize stress in your dogs to prevent any cases of dog vomiting and bloody stool.

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