Dog Poop Runny, Is My Dog Sick?

Dog Poop Runny, Is My Dog Sick

Dog poop runny has its own purpose on the condition of the dog’s body. Every dog owner and occasional dog lover must be aware of dog poop. You must understand what a typical dog poop looks like, from the color, the shape to the consistency. Dog feces can reveal a lot about a dog’s health, and what is going on with their diet. If you notice anything out of the ordinary in your dog’s poop, it’s time to contact your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.


What should the normal dog stool look like?

Since every dog is different, your dog’s standard of normal healthy poop may differ slightly from that of another dog. You should be familiar with normal stool to detect any changes.

  • Color: Dog poop should be chocolate brown in color. If your dog eats food with added colors, the colors may come through as well.
  • Consistency: It should be compact, moist, and easy to pick up, but it should crumble like Play-doh when pressed.
  • Shape: It should be shaped like logs and should keep their shape.
  • Volume: Your dog’s stool volume should be proportionate to the amount of food they consumes. As the fiber content of dog food increases, so does the size of poop.

What if my dog poop runny? It indicates that your dog is suffering from diarrhea. If the dog poop runny and yellow, it might be caused when you feed a bland food like rice and chicken.


Dog’s poop types

There are various types of dog poop that cause diarrhea.

  • The texture is extremely moist. It has a distinct form (piles versus logs). When picked up, it loses its shape and leaves a residue.
  • The poop is textured, but has no discernible shape. When picked up, it appears as piles that leave residue.
  • The stool is watery and lacks texture. It appears to be a cream-based soup.

There are numerous other factors that can cause dog diarrhea:

  • Consuming food intended for humans.
  • It may also be a sign of another disease or infection.
  • Making a quick transition to a new dog food.
  • Brand-new medication
  • Taking a drink from a puddle or a stagnant pond.
  • A stressful event, such as getting a new dog, welcoming a new family member, or relocating.

Consult your veterinarian if your dog has diarrhea or constipation for an extended period of time. Always keep them healthy. Keep an eye on their condition through the poop. Handle immediately if your dog poop runny.

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