Blood in puppy stool but acting normal, so what should you do? When you see blood in your dog’s poop, it is likely that fear will arise and make you think badly about your dog’s condition. It is possible the presence of blood and mucus in dog’s poop is a normal and natural occurrence to your dog. It is even said your dog can get better after 1 to 2 days. However, blood in feces might be produced by a variety of factors.
Food allergies, ingesting something inappropriate, bacterial or viral illness and injury are all common causes of pooping blood. It is conceivable that bloody stools are the symptom of anything more severe, such as cancer, toxicity, obstructions, or parvovirus. Therefore, you should always consult a vet to rule out these dangerous diseases.
The first thing you should do when seeing blood in puppy stool but acting normal is to call or just come to the vet. You must be able to describe your dog’s bloody stool, so your veterinarian can immediately diagnose and treat your dog. There are two kinds of bloody poop: hematochezia and melena.
Hematochezia is characterized by bright crimson blood. This sort of bleeding happens in the lower digestive system or colon and suggests the presence of a specific set of diseases. It can be found in the dog’s feces or as a few drops of blood as he defecates. Some causes of hematochezia are viral and bacterial infections.
Meanwhile, the presence of blood in the stools in melena causes the feces to look tarry and asphalt black, indicating the blood has been digested and is probably from the upper digestive system. Melena is usually more concerning than an infrequent instance of hematochezia, although this is not always the case. Parasites and liver cancer are two of the causes as well.
If your dog is urinating and pooping blood, you should always consult a vet to rule out anything dangerous and to ensure they receive the required treatment. While blood in dog’s feces might signal something dangerous in certain situations, there are numerous less serious reasons that can be addressed. Prepare to explain the poop as well as any details leading up to the bloody poop that may aid in diagnosing the problem. Therefore, the vet can diagnose the disease in more detail. It is also better to bring some samples of your dog’s poop. That is the basic information about blood in puppy stool but acting normal.