Homemade Dog Treats with Rolled Oats Benefits for Your Pets

Homemade Dog Treats with Rolled Oats Benefits for Your Pets

Making homemade dog treats with rolled oats is good for you and your pet, of course. You will save money because you do not need to get store-bought dog treat anymore. Homemade treat is also more hygienic and healthier. Why rolled oats are great for dog? These are the reasons why. You need to know all of these benefits, so you will get convinced of making those homemade treats.

Oats are Good Substitute for Wheat

You have to remember this: if your dog is allergic to gluten, oat is a good substitute for wheat. The allergic dog cannot eat wheat, obviously, and oat is just as good as wheat. It is packed with fiber and nutrient, so the dogs will have enough intake of energy source that they needs. Always check to the vet first whether or not your dogs are indeed allergic to gluten.


Oats are Packed with Vitamins

Everyone knows that oatmeal or rolled oat is packed with vitamins. The vitamins are including vitamin B5 and B9, which are needed by dogs. When you make homemade dog treats with rolled oats, you will also give them fair amount of iron, zinc and folic acid, which are found in rolled oats. They are so beneficial to keep the dog’s overall health.


Oats are Beneficial to Improve Dog’s Coat

There are many ways you can make the treat, including the homemade dog treats with rolled oat no bake. The best thing about it is you can improve the dog’s coat. Yes, oatmeal is so packed of nutrient, and it will help the growth of the fur and coat, giving the thick, luscious coat that will impress anyone.


Oats are Excellent Source of Fiber

Keep the bowel movements of the dog flowing easily as well as the health of digestive system by giving them oats. Oats are containing high fiber, allowing you to keep the dog’s tummy happy and healthy all the time for sure.

For your information, the good thing about homemade treat is you can just make it with anything you want, as long as it is healthy and safe for the dogs. There are many recipes you should try, and most of them are easy to make, including the no-bake ones. Well, considering how easy it is, you should always try to make the best homemade dog treats with rolled oats for the dogs.

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