Temaril-P for Dogs with Collapsed Trachea: Drugs that Dog Lovers Should Consider

Temaril-P for Dogs with Collapsed Trachea

Temaril-P for dogs with collapsed trachea can be a recommended choice for dog lovers. Tracheal collapse is a condition where the airway narrows and causes respiratory obstruction in dogs. The trachea or windpipe is the tube through which air is transported to and from the lungs. The trachea is shaped like a vacuum cleaner tube containing rings of cartilage. The rings are shaped like the letter C, with the open C facing up. Other respiratory diseases can sometimes be mistaken for tracheal collapse that includes foreign body in the airways, laryngeal paralysis, elongated soft palate, tracheal, lung, or heart failure infections, and tumors or polyps. Therefore, it is very important to get a definite diagnosis, and not just guessing.

In addition, the treatment for mild to moderate cases of tracheal collapse dog includes Temaril-P drug to reduce coughing, shortness of breath, and associated anxiety. It is very important to treat cough because it can irritate the airways and lead to more severe cough. The treatment with Temaril-P can work about 80 percent for dogs with mild cases. It has been proven by dog lovers. They acknowledged it was really effective in treating the trachea, as long as the treatment is consistent.

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For your information, during the treatment period using Temaril-P for dogs with collapsed trachea, there are several restrictions that must be followed by dog ​​owners to avoid unwanted side effects. You should avoid giving your dog other drugs that contain procaine, sedatives, pain killers, epinephrine and anesthetics. The use of herbal medicine is not allowed at the same time as this drug. In addition, concurrent administration with drugs containing these ingredients can cause swelling to your dog’s face, lips and/or tongue.

This drug is available in bottles containing 60 and 1000 tablets. For the purchase up to 10 tablets, they are usually served in form of caplets. The price is quite affordable with a range of $2 to $114, depending on the number of tablets in one bottle or caplets. According to some reviews from dog lovers who have used this drug, the costs they spent are somewhat cheaper when compared to other types of drugs with the same efficacy. The cost they spent is even cheaper when compared to injection treatment. In addition, many veterinarians also recommend this Temaril-P for dogs with collapsed trachea because the dosage and ingredients have been clinically proven to be safe for their beloved dogs.


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